The Features

So you never leave a tool behind

Vintage Chef Knife Backpack v4.0

Gone are the days of carrying a cheap roll bag stuffed in your backpack. Our luxurious, minimalist design is versatile enough to take from home to the kitchen, demos, and private events. Get your kitchen crew talking with this head turning design.

The Tech

Because chefs never forget the details

Your Entire Culinary Arsenal in One Bag

We're Trending @ChefSacKitchen



For Chefs By Chefs. Our products are made with authentic chefs in mind! Why? We love food and are passionate about serving chefs, bakers, and culinary mavericks. Our goal is to ensure chefs have proper knife & tool storage without compromising their chef style.

 Superior Craftsmanship from our workshop to your kitchen. Chef Sac products go through multiple iterations before we start the first production. Even then, we continuously make improvements in every production so chefs like yourself get the very best. Our crafts team are experts in bags, textile & kitchen gear. Did you know there are 8 production stages? Yes, we check at every stage.